Author: Bhunesh Mathur


Hawan in Sanatan Parampara

In Sanatan dharma, we have different patterns of prayers to gods and goddesses. Some are to be prayed at sunrise and sunset, and others at night. Flowers like roses, lotus,…
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Organ Donations in India

Organ Donations In India

We Indians are very sentimental in organ donations even though the practice has existed for thousands of years. Maharishi Dadhichi(sage) is known for donating his bones to make the powerful…
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Indian Kitchen in Sanatan Dharma

The Kitchen In Santana Dharma

Our kitchen in Sanatan Dharma is next to the temple in sanctity. Much care is given to the management and maintenance of our kitchen place. All food/meals prepared in the…
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Seabuckthorn - Sanjeevani Booti


The Godly herb of India Shree Ram Charitmanas endorsed that in snow-clad Himalayan ranges, Seabuckthorn flourishes. As per fifty researchers and their different research findings and papers, the medicinal plant…
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Central Vista

Central Vista

The Dawn of A New Era Central Vista as the name suggests, is not a mere new construction of yet another building. One question arises, should the new building carry…
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We often come across the news in newspapers that a foreigner couple got married in Pushkar (District Ajmer) in the traditional Sanatan Dharma rituals, like seven pheres (seven rounds around sacred fire),…
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Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project

Forty percent of the population of Rajasthan resides in the catchment area of Eastern Rajasthan canal project (ERCP), they will get drinking water , farmers will get much required water…
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