Tag: Mahabharata

Arjuna's Chariot in Mahabharat represents life

The Chariot in the Mahabharata Is You

The chariot used by Arjun in the Mahabharata is a representative of life itself in many ways. In Hindu philosophy, the analogy of the body being likened to a chariot…
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The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata plays a significant role in Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) as one of its most revered scriptures. It holds immense religious, philosophical, and moral significance for followers of Sanatana Dharma.…
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Lord Ganesha

Why Lord Ganesha Has A Broken Tusk

According to Hindu mythology and the folklore associated with the Mahabharata, Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity, played the role of a scribe during the composition of the epic. The story…
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