Tag: Yoga

Sankhya and Yoga Schools

Sankhya Philosophy Is The Mother of Yoga

Sankhya is often called the “mother” of Yoga in the philosophical and spiritual context. The reason for this assertion lies in the intricate relationship between the theoretical constructs of Sankhya…
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Yogic Siddhi Telepathy

Telepathy A Yogic Siddhi

Sadhguru often speaks about telepathy within the context of yoga and spirituality. His views on telepathy are closely intertwined with the broader yogic understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings…
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Relevance of Yoga

Relevance of Yoga

Relevance of Yoga has been proven over thousands of years. Yoga offers a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, and balance, tones the body,…
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