Category: Nation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to win with a significant majority in the upcoming general elections in India.

Narendra Modi Is All Set To Win

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to win with a significant majority in the upcoming general elections in India. But this is not just a mere coincidence. The Bharatiya…
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Chandrayaan - India Is On The Moon

Chandrayaan – 3 Brings Immense Benefits To The World

Chandrayaan-3’s achievements mark a significant advancement in lunar science. The intricacies of the Moon, our closest celestial neighbor, still need to be discovered. By shedding light on areas previously unexplored,…
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Incredible India

Incredible India Leads The World In Every Field

Immerse Yourself in History and Architecture The architectural grandeur of the Incredible India is a testament to its rich historical tapestry. Uncover history that spans millennia as you marvel at…
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Biotechnology in India

Biotechnology Is A Significant Powerhouse In India’s Growth

With its rich biodiversity and a wealth of skilled scientists, India has significant potential in the biotechnology field. Over the past few years, India’s biotechnology sector has grown robustly, becoming…
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The Monsoons In India

The Monsoon In India Has Impact On The Economy

Monsoon, the seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and Southern Asia, is more than just a climatic phenomenon in India; it permeates the socio-economic fabric of this vast country. The…
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Election Commission of India

The Election Commission of India

The Election Commission of India (ECI) is an independent constitutional body and operates autonomously without being under the direct authority of any individual or organization. It functions as an impartial…
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The Indian motor industry

The Indian Motor Industry

The contributions of the Modi government to the motor industry reflect its commitment to promoting domestic manufacturing, encouraging sustainable mobility solutions, and creating an enabling environment for industry growth. The…
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Indian Classical Music

Indian Classical Music

Indian classical music has an appreciative audience worldwide, with enthusiasts and practitioners in various countries. The mesmerizing melodies, intricate rhythms, and profound emotional expression of Indian classical music have inspired…
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Central Vista

Central Vista

The Dawn of A New Era Central Vista as the name suggests, is not a mere new construction of yet another building. One question arises, should the new building carry…
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Vishwa Guru

Vishwa Guru Status In India’s Reach

India is moving towards becoming a “Vishwa guru” (world leader or teacher). It is a broad aspiration that encompasses various aspects. There are many factors that India should emphasize in…
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