Pancha Koshas Are The Important Layers of Our Existence

In the diverse expanse of human understanding, countless paradigms and models have emerged to decode the complex matrix of human existence. Yet, among these multitudes, the ancient wisdom of the yogic tradition in India stands as a profound compass guiding seekers toward the essence of our being. The Pancha Koshas are not simply a theoretical concept but a practical tool for self-discovery and transformation. By understanding these different layers of our existence, we can better navigate our life experiences, cultivate holistic well-being, and ultimately unlock the doorway to our deepest self – the self that is an eternal source of bliss and tranquility.
The ‘Pancha Koshas’ or ‘Five Sheaths’ concept offers a profound framework that captures the multidimensionality of human existence, serving as the backbone of this enlightening exploration. According to Sadhguru, these sheaths are not physical layers in the body but different dimensions of human experience.
Annamaya Kosha (Physical Sheath)
According to yogic philosophy, Annamaya Kosha is the first and most outer layer of the Panch Koshas. Sadhguru and other yogic practitioners and teachers often discuss it as the most tangible and gross level of our existence.
‘Annamaya Kosha’ translates from Sanskrit as ‘food body’ or ‘food sheath.’ It is called the food body because it is formed and sustained by our food. It includes the entire physical structure of the human body: muscles, bones, blood, organs, skin, and all other physical aspects.
The state of the Annamaya Kosha greatly influences our overall health and well-being. The food we consume, the physical activity we engage in, and how we treat our physical bodies can all impact the condition of the Annamaya Kosha. The Annamaya Kosha serves as the basis for the functioning of the other sheaths. Without a stable and healthy physical body, it becomes difficult to explore the deeper dimensions of the self fully.
Physical yoga practices, such as asanas (postures), are primarily targeted at the Annamaya Kosha. Practicing yoga can enhance the physical body’s health and functioning, making it a suitable instrument for our spiritual journey.
The Annamaya Kosha is the most transient and impermanent aspect of our existence. It is subject to aging, change, and eventually death. In Sadhguru’s teachings, recognizing the impermanent nature of the physical body is seen as an important step towards realizing the deeper, more enduring aspects of our existence.
While the Annamaya Kosha, the outermost of the Pancha Koshas, represents the physical aspect of our existence, Sadhguru points out that we are much more than just our physical bodies. The ultimate goal of yoga is to transcend identification with the physical body and realize our true nature, which is beyond the physical.
Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Sheath)
Pranamaya Kosha is the second sheath of the Pancha Kosha human existence in the yogic philosophy, and it refers to the layer of life energy or prana. It is subtler than Annamaya Kosha but is still physical in nature compared to the remaining Pancha Koshas. This sheath corresponds to the vital energy or prana circulating through the body. It is related to the breath and is responsible for life processes and the functioning of the physical body. In yogic traditions, this energy is often associated with various “nadis, ” energy channels, and “chakras,” or energy centers.
Prana is the basic life force that animates the physical body, facilitating all physical functions and movements. This prana makes the body a living entity, and it’s often associated with breath in many yogic practices.
The quality and flow of prana within the body significantly influence our physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. When prana flows freely and abundantly, we experience vitality, wellness, and a sense of ease. Conversely, blockages or imbalances in the flow of prana can lead to illness and discomfort.
Pranayama, a set of yogic breathing practices, aims to regulate and enhance the prana within the body, thereby influencing the Pranamaya Kosha. These practices are designed to enhance the vitality and functioning of the physical and mental systems.
Pranamaya Kosha bridges the physical body (Annamaya Kosha) and the mental body (Manomaya Kosha). Mind and body interact and influence each other through the medium of prana. Although prana is not physical, it’s more subtle. It has a profound impact on the physical body. It’s a vital part of life, operating deeper than the physical sheath.
Manomaya Kosha (Mental Sheath)
According to Sadhguru, the Manomaya Kosha, also known as the mental sheath, is the third layer in the Pancha Kosha of the human system.
Manomaya Kosha represents the mental processes, encompassing the entire scope of mental activity. It includes thoughts, emotions, feelings, dreams, and fantasies. In many ways, our personal ‘mind space’ is where we process experiences, memories, and impressions. It corresponds to the mind in a general sense, encompassing both conscious and unconscious mental activities.
Manomaya Kosha bridges the outer physical and energetic layers (Annamaya and Pranamaya Koshas) and the inner layers of wisdom and bliss (Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya Koshas). The mind is influenced by both the physical body’s state and prana’s flow, which also affects them in return. Our mental state heavily influences our perception of the world and our experiences. Sadhguru often discusses how our thoughts and emotions can color our view of reality, either enhancing or distorting it.

Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and certain yogic practices are tools to work with the Manomaya Kosha. They can help bring balance, clarity, and peace to the mind, fostering mental well-being. According to Sadhguru, if not understood and managed properly, the mind can create many illusions and unnecessary suffering. He suggests that many of our problems are not about life itself but are born out of our mind’s reactions and interpretations of life.
In the spiritual journey, a key objective is to transcend the limitations of the mind and experience the deeper dimensions of existence. This transcendence involves not being entangled in the mental processes and moving beyond the mind’s habitual patterns. While the Manomaya Kosha represents the realm of the mind, Sadhguru points out that we are more than our thoughts and emotions. He encourages practices to realize this fundamental nature beyond the mind and its constructs.
Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Sheath)
Vijnanamaya Kosha, often translated as the ‘wisdom sheath’ or ‘intellectual sheath,’ is the fourth layer in the yogic concept of five sheaths or the Pancha Koshas of the human system. It is more subtle than the previous three koshas (Annamaya, Pranamaya, and Manomaya Koshas), representing our deeper intellectual and wisdom-related aspects.
Vijnanamaya Kosha embodies the intellectual and intuitive knowledge and wisdom that transcends the conscious, logical mind. It includes our ability to understand, perceive, and know things deeply and intuitively. This sheath also includes the aspect of discernment, which is the ability to understand and differentiate between what is real and what is unreal, what is permanent and what is temporary. It is the part of us that seeks and recognizes truth.
Vijnanamaya Kosha is subtler than the Manomaya Kosha (mind). While the mind is subject to emotional fluctuations and the ceaseless movement of thoughts, the intellect represented by Vijnanamaya Kosha has the capacity for steadiness and clarity. Certain yogic practices and meditations are designed to refine and access this layer of our being, helping us to tap into our deeper wisdom and intuitive understanding.
Sadhguru often talks about the need to transcend even the intellect to reach the deepest layer of human existence, the Anandamaya Kosha or the ‘bliss body.’ While Vijnanamaya Kosha can guide us toward truth, ultimately, the goal is to experience the truth directly, beyond the realm of intellectual understanding.
In the progression from gross to subtle, the Vijnanamaya Kosha is a significant step towards recognizing and experiencing the deepest aspects of our existence. However, this sheath, while more refined than the others, is still considered a sheath that veils our truest self in yogic philosophy. Hence, the ultimate aim of yoga is to go beyond all the sheaths, including Vijnanamaya Kosha, to realize the pure self that lies beyond.
The Innermost of The Panch Koshas – Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath)
Sadhguru says Anandamaya Kosha is beyond the influence of any memory. Anandamaya Kosha, often translated as the ‘bliss body’ or ‘bliss sheath,’ is the innermost of the five koshas, or layers, of human existence according to yogic philosophy. It represents our deepest state of consciousness, pure bliss or ananda. It is not possible to describe Anandamaya Kosha in words. Hence the Yogis gave it the name by which they experienced it – Anand or Bliss.
Anandamaya Kosha is not about happiness as we usually understand it, which tends to depend on external circumstances or internal thoughts and emotions. Instead, it refers to a state of bliss that is unconditional, intrinsic, and not contingent on external circumstances. It is a joy that is inherent to our very nature.
According to yogic philosophy, our truest self is pure consciousness, experienced as bliss in its purest form. When we strip away all the external and internal layers – the body, the energy, the mind, and even the intellect – what remains is Anandamaya Kosha, our deepest, blissful self.
Reaching the state of Anandamaya Kosha involves transcending the other layers. It doesn’t mean rejecting or neglecting these layers but recognizing that they are not our ultimate nature. The yogic path involves practices and realizations that help peel back these layers one by one.
Experiences of Anandamaya Kosha can sometimes occur spontaneously, where one experiences a state of immense bliss without any apparent reason. However, the goal of yogic practices is to make this state of bliss not an occasional experience but a constant way of being.
The realization of Anandamaya Kosha is often considered the ultimate goal of yoga. It is realizing one’s true nature as pure, blissful consciousness. Sadhguru’s teachings and practices aim to guide individuals toward this realization.
Sadhguru emphasizes that experiencing Anandamaya Kosha is not about attaining something new but realizing what has always been there. It is a realization of our original nature, often obscured by our identification with the body, mind, thoughts, and emotions. The journey to Anandamaya Kosha is from being a limited individual to recognizing our eternal nature.
The Pancha Koshas serve as a roadmap to understanding and experiencing our multifaceted existence. They guide us from the external, tangible aspects of our being to the internal, subtle dimensions and ultimately to our deepest self – a realm of pure consciousness and bliss. This journey from the Annamaya to the Anandamaya Kosha isn’t merely about gaining intellectual knowledge but an experiential journey of self-discovery, self-realization, and transformation. By understanding and consciously experiencing these five sheaths, we can start to navigate life with increased awareness and clarity, fostering a holistic sense of well-being. As we peel back these layers one by one, we discover that the essence of who we truly are is not bound by physical, mental, or intellectual limitations but is a boundless dimension of bliss and peace. In this realization lies the true power and purpose of exploring the Pancha Koshas – a journey to our most authentic and profound self.