Category: Spirituality


Prana The Fundamental Life Energy

According to Sadhguru, Prana is the fundamental life force or energy that is the basis of all life in the universe. It’s not only the energy that sustains human beings…
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The Shiva Linga

The Shiva Linga Symbolizes The Powerful Source Of Creation

The Shiva Linga, or Lingam as it is referred to in South India, and the Yoni, are powerful symbols representing the fundamental aspects of life and the universe. These symbols…
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Pancha Koshas

Pancha Koshas Are The Important Layers of Our Existence

In the diverse expanse of human understanding, countless paradigms and models have emerged to decode the complex matrix of human existence. Yet, among these multitudes, the ancient wisdom of the…
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Indian Democracy

Indian Democracy

Indian democracy holds significant power and relevance in the geopolitical landscape due to its sheer scale, diversity, and principles of democratic governance. India is the world’s largest democracy, with over…
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The Rishis of Ancient India

In the rich tapestry of ancient Indian culture, the Rishis hold a special place as luminous beacons of wisdom, spirituality, and profound insight. These enlightened seers were revered for their…
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Shiva Chants and Mantras

Shiva Mantra or Chants

Shiva mantra, also known as Shiva chants, are sacred sounds or phrases that are recited to honor and invoke Lord Shiva, one of the primary deities in Hinduism. These chants…
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Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism

Sanatana Dharma

सनातन धर्म Sanatana Dharma, or the Hindu way of life, encompasses a profound spiritual tradition transcending time, culture, and geography. With its core principles of truth, righteousness, self-realization, and interconnectedness,…
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Aum – The Entirety of Existence

Aum or Om, the sacred syllable, consists of three primary sounds: A, U, and M. Each sound carries its own significance and represents different aspects of existence. Let us explore…
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Religious Tolerance

Indian Spirituality

Indian spirituality, deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and diverse religious traditions, has garnered global recognition for its profound teachings and transformative practices. It offers a holistic approach to life, emphasizing…
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