Category: Ancient Wisdom

Fasting An Indian Tradition

Fasting An Indian Tradition For A Great Health

Fasting is an Indian tradition that has roots from the Vedic times. The tradition is deep-rooted amongst the Hindus to the present day. More recently, intermittent fasting has been adopted…
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Pranic Energy and Food

Pranic Energy And Food Are Beneficial For Meditation

The pranic energy and food are closely related. According to Sadhguru, food is not just about maintaining physical health but is also deeply interlinked with our mental and spiritual well-being.…
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Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras Are The Most Important

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is one of Yoga’s most important classical texts. Compiled around 400 CE (though some scholars suggest it could have been composed even earlier), it forms the theoretical…
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Yogic Siddhi Telepathy

Telepathy A Yogic Siddhi

Sadhguru often speaks about telepathy within the context of yoga and spirituality. His views on telepathy are closely intertwined with the broader yogic understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings…
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Prana The Fundamental Life Energy

According to Sadhguru, Prana is the fundamental life force or energy that is the basis of all life in the universe. It’s not only the energy that sustains human beings…
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Pancha Koshas

Pancha Koshas Are The Important Layers of Our Existence

In the diverse expanse of human understanding, countless paradigms and models have emerged to decode the complex matrix of human existence. Yet, among these multitudes, the ancient wisdom of the…
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Is there Gender Discrimination in Temples

Is There Really Gender Discrimination In Hindu Temples?

There has been considerable controversy in India regarding gender discrimination in religious spaces, specifically in Hindu temples. This debate came to international attention primarily through the case of the Sabarimala…
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The Role of A Temple

Role of A Temple In India

In traditional Indian society, the role of a temple in India was multifaceted. Temples were used not only as places of worship but also as vital hubs for social, cultural,…
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Lord Shiva, Adiyogi, Relgious Tolerance In India

Lord Shiva – That Which Is Not – Is The Most Powerful

Lord Shiva is one of the primary deities in Hinduism and is a part of the holy trinity (Trimurti) alongside Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu, the preserver. Shiva…
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Neem Tree

The Neem Tree

The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is native to the Indian subcontinent, specifically India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and neighboring regions. It has been an integral part of the Indian culture and traditional…
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