Telepathy A Yogic Siddhi

Sadhguru often speaks about telepathy within the context of yoga and spirituality. His views on telepathy are closely intertwined with the broader yogic understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and the nature of consciousness.
“Siddhi” is a Sanskrit term that translates to “perfection,” “achievement,” or “attainment.” In the context of Indian spiritual practices, it refers to supernatural capabilities or powers that may become available to a person as they progress on the path of spiritual development. Siddhis are often discussed in ancient Indian texts, including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and are generally considered a byproduct of intense meditation or yoga practice.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a foundational text of classical yoga philosophy, describe numerous potential siddhis in the third chapter, the Vibhuti Pada. These include abilities ranging from knowledge of past lives, clairvoyance, and understanding the language of animals to more fantastical abilities like levitation, invisibility, and knowledge of the time of one’s death.
In various talks and interviews, Sadhguru has suggested that telepathy can be understood as a natural capacity of human beings when they attain a certain level of sensitivity and awareness. In this state of heightened awareness, one can pick up the subtlest signals and cues from the environment and other beings.
He often emphasizes that telepathy should not be the goal of yoga or spiritual practice. Seeking such powers, he suggests, can distract from the ultimate aim of spiritual practice, self-realization, or liberation. In addition, he often points out that telepathy is not a substitute for ordinary communication and that it is more important to develop the ability to listen and communicate effectively in ordinary ways. Connecting with others, listening, and understanding their perspective is often more useful than extrasensory abilities.
While Sadhguru acknowledges the possibility of telepathic abilities arising from spiritual practice, he continually directs the focus back to the fundamental aim of yoga, which is to know and realize the nature of oneself and the ultimate reality. For him, any siddhis or powers are secondary and can even be obstacles if they become the focus of one’s practice.
The Vedic Perspective
In the ancient Vedic tradition, a concept similar to telepathy is known as “Manojava,” one of the Siddhis or spiritual abilities discussed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Siddhis are supernatural abilities gained through rigorous yoga practices, meditation, and attaining higher states of consciousness.
Manojava is composed of two words: “manas,” meaning mind, and “java” meaning speed. Thus, Manojava can be roughly translated to “speed of the mind.” The siddhi of Manojava involves the ability to send one’s thoughts and intentions instantaneously, much like telepathy.
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali warns aspirants about the allure of Siddhis and suggests that they should be viewed with non-attachment. Siddhis are considered milestones on the yogic path, not the destination. They are considered byproducts of the spiritual journey, not the goal itself. The ultimate aim of yoga is liberation (moksha), and it is this goal that yogic practitioners are encouraged to focus on.